“Hey Brother, Can You Use a Mac?”

One of the things I enjoy as a Vintage Mac Collector is getting contacted by people around the country (and beyond) who are looking for new homes for their old Macs. Often several times a month I receive notes such as these:

“Mac friend, I was just about to take a bunch of older Macs to the dumpster or to Goodwill. Are you interested in anything more for your museum? … Thanks for what you’re doing to keep the antique Macs alive.”

“Just cleaning out the top shelf getting ready to move apartments. Do you want this system for your museum: Powerbook Duo 230 … booted it up, happy mac, ran great for about 4 hours last night … I’m amazed at the engineering.”

“Hi Mac Museum, We just found 2 SE/30s in a dusty back closet… they are destined to the trashcan. Is there someone, some org in Hawaii that would want them?”

“Hi I am looking at your website. Do you have any need for the original imac bondi?”

“Interested in a functional 540c? It belonged to me in the mid 90s … I have no need for it now and would like to see something as cool as the Blackbird go to a good home.”

There are many admirable things about passing on or donating old computer to good causes, whatever the platform. Old technology does not necessarily mean obsolete. One man’s trash…

VMacsIn the Macintosh Community, this feeling is magnified. Old Macs are special, personal, even those we used at work. There was always something notable about being an old Mac user, whether in the original 68k Glory Days<, the Beleagured Apple Computer era, or during the Second Jobs Dynasty. You don't want to just dispose of your old computer, you want it to go to a good home.

Mac users go out of their way, often at their own expense, to help make this happen. And I’m pleased, as the Curator of the Vintage Mac Museum, to be able to put some of these Macs to good use. Other destinations may be some of the other Mac Collections Around the World, schools, charities, or a post to your local craigslist.

A special thanks this week to Mark David of Brookline, MA for his generous donation (seen in the photo above) of a Pile O’ Beige Macs. Systems include an LC III, Mac IIci, Quadra 660av, a PowerComputing tower, and a large box of software and accessories. May the Cult of Mac live on…

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