Vintage Macintosh Software
If you’re looking for old Mac software, there are a number of sites on the interwebs that are worth checking out:
Macintosh Garden – great site for old Mac games and abandoned applications
The Internet Archive – the grand attic of the internet adds software to its collection
Rescue My Classic Mac – old Macintosh boot floppies and applications available for purchase
PowerPC Software Archive – links to the most current PowerPC compatible versions of many programs
U-Mich Software Archives – large legacy software collection, for Macs and other platforms
iiFTP Apple Archives – a compendium of many archived Apple software installers from Down Under
Max1zzz’s Classic Mac Server – another vast collection of Mac system and application software
The Gryphel Project – 68k era Mac software and home of the Mini VMac Mac Plus emulator
Mac OS 9 Lives – tips and software for running the Classic Mac OS; audio-centric focus – installers for superceded and obsoleted Mac OS X software
The Mac Driver Museum – old hardware drivers for Mac printers, disks, video cards and related items (partial archive)
Mac OS 9.2.2 for PowerMac G4 MDD – Retail Mac OS 9 installers do not work on the last generation PowerMac G4 MDD models. This is a copy of Mac OS 9.2.2 included on the MDD bundled Software Restore CDs which is able to boot these G4 models into OS 9 (FireWire 400 models only). It can also be used as Classic Mode on any PowerMac running Mac OS X 10.1-10.4.
ProTools 3.4 Free – Pro Tools 3.4 Digital Audio Workstation software was released free of charge by Digidesign in 1997. This is a fully-functional 16-track version of the program which runs on many 68k Nubus Macs and old PCI PowerMacs.
SoundApp – a swiss army knife for old sound files. Play and convert many vintage audio formats with this useful utility.
Classilla and TenFourFox – ports of the current Firefox web browser, optimized for Mac OS 9 (Classilla) and PowerPC Macs running OS X Tiger (TenFourFox). Get online with your vintage Mac!
PrintToPDF – a free utility to create PDF files on classic Macs running System 7 through Mac OS 9. This is a handy way to keep the formatting of old documents you can’t otherwise convert.
The Vintage Mac Museum is a private, working collection of the pre-Intel Apple Macintosh. We provide old Mac file transfer and conversion services, along with research into old Mac technologies for patent prior art searches or academic purposes.