Investing in Old Apple Gear is Making News

As the corporation with the largest market cap value in existence (as of this writing), Apple has amassed a vast amount of wealth. BBC on Apple invesingAs a public corporation they have also generated significant wealth for their shareholders over the past decade. What has been less discussed is the value of old Apple equipment, but recent six figure sales of the seminal Apple 1 have begun to increase interest in other vintage computing products.

The BBC has just released How to Cash in on the Cult of Apple, an article dedicated to this topic. Their reporter interviewed a number of sources, including myself, about the values of old Apple gear and what is happening in that market in terms of investment opportunities. The short summary: this isn’t a market for quick-flips, but holding on to first edition products, original packaging and rare prototypes can pay off decades down the road.

Worth a read. Now if I only had an Apple 1 in my collection…

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